Field Visit by MLFM World Representative in Muyanza SECUALIM project

With MLFM Rwanda delegation, the world representative of MLFM has hayed a visit to the activiries of SECULITE ALIMENTAIRE Project SecuAlim that is being implemented by IMBARAGA in partnership with VSFB and Little Sisters of Muyanza in Rulindo District Muyanza Sector.

Visiting Young Entrepreneurs

Beneficiary using improved stove
The project goal is to contribute to the reduction of malnutrition , poverty and strengthened food security through horticulture and small livestock breeding as well as health care awareness services.

the project also helps Private Vets throughout their journey of development.

Other pics. of SecuAlim Project activities

Beneficiaries being offered small domestic animals

built quicken gardens

training on how to add value to the Orange Freshened Potato through Bread. chips, Donut and Capatti

beneficiaries receiving improved kitchen

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Communication Officer